Why are Linux and Mac OS X safer?

First, look at the two factors that cause email viruses and worms to propagate: social engineering, and poorly designed software. Social engineering is the art of conning someone into doing something they shouldn't do, or revealing something that should be kept secret. Virus writers use social engineering to convince people to do stupid things, like open attachments that carry viruses and worms. Poorly designed software makes it easier for social engineering to take place, but such software can also subvert the efforts of a knowledgable, security-minded individual or organization. Together, the two factors can turn a single virus incident into a widespread disaster.

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Let's look further at social engineering. Windows software is either executable or not, depending on the file extension. So if a file ends with ".exe" or ".scr", it can be run as a program (yes, of course, if you change a text file's extension from ".txt" to ".exe", nothing will happen, because it's not magically an executable; I'm talking about real executable programs). It's easy to run executables in the Windows world, and users who get an email with a subject line like "Check out this wicked screensaver!" and an attachment, too often click on it without thinking first, and bang! we're off to the races and a new worm has taken over their systems.

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Even worse, Microsoft's email software is able to infect a user's computer when they do something as innocuous as read an email! Don't believe me? Take a look at Microsoft Security Bulletins MS99-032, MS00-043, MS01-015, MS01-020, MS02-068, or MS03-023, for instance. Notice that's at least one for the last five years. And though Microsoft's latest versions of Outlook blocks most executable attachments by default, it's still possible to override those protections. >>Editor's note: the above vulnerabilities, while valid, all had patches provided by Microsoft months before they were actively exploited by malicious code. This does not negate the fact that the vulnerabilities existed -- however there are also exploits for some Linux mail clients (Pine, mutt) that will execute code on a system when the user views the message as well. To bypass the security fix provided by Microsoft, the user must now take some specific actions as explained in the link above.>>

This sort of social engineering, so easy to accomplish in Windows, requires far more steps and far greater effort on the part of the Linux user. Instead of just reading an email (... just reading an email?!?), a Linux user would have to read the email, save the attachment, give the attachment executable permissions, and then run the executable. Even as less sophisticated users begin to migrate to Linux, they may not understand exactly why they can't just execute attachments, but they will still have to go through the steps. As Martha Stewart would say, this is a good thing. Further, due to the strong community around Linux, new users will receive education and encouragement in areas such as email security that are currently lacking in the Windows world, which should help to alleviate any concerns on the part of newbies.

Further, due to the strong separation between normal users and the privileged root user, our Linux user would have to be running as root to really do any damage to the system. He could damage his /home directory, but that's about it. So the above steps now become the following: read, save, become root, give executable permissions, run. The more steps, the less likely a virus infection becomes, and certainly the less likely a catastrophically spreading virus becomes. And since Linux users are taught from the get-go to never run as root, and since Mac OS X doesn't even allow users to use the root account unless they first enable the option, it's obvious the likelihood of email-driven viruses and worms lessens on those platforms.

Unfortunately, running as root (or Administrator) is common in the Windows world. In fact, Microsoft is still engaging in this risky behavior. Windows XP, supposed Microsoft's most secure desktop operating system, automatically makes the first named user of the system an Administrator, with the power to do anything he wants to the computer. The reasons for this decision boggle the mind. With all the lost money and productivity over the last decade caused by countless Microsoft-borne viruses and worms, you'd think the company could have changed its procedures in this area, but no.

Even if the OS has been set up correctly, with an Administrator account and a non-privileged user account, things are still not copasetic. On a Windows system, programs installed by a non-Administrative user can still add DLLs and other system files that can be run at a level of permission that damages the system itself. Even worse, the collection of files on a Windows system - the operating system, the applications, and the user data - can't be kept apart from each other. Things are intermingled to a degree that makes it unlikely that they will ever be satisfactorily sorted out in any sensibly secure fashion.

The final reason why social engineering is easier in the Windows world is also an illustration of the dangers inherent in any monoculture, whether biological or technological. In the same way that genetic diversity in a population of living creatures is desirable because it reduces the likelihood that an illness - like a virus - will utterly wipe out every animal or plant, diversity in computing environments helps to protect the users of those devices.

Linux runs on many architectures, not just Intel, and there are many versions of Linux, many packaging systems, and many shells. But most obvious to the end user, Linux mail clients and address books are far from standardized. KMail, Mozilla Mail, Evolution, pine, mutt, emacs ... the list goes on. It's simply not like the Windows world, in which Microsoft's email programs - Outlook and Outlook Express - dominate. In the Windows world, a virus writer knows how the monoculture operates, so he can target his virus, secure in the knowledge that millions of systems have the same vulnerability. A virus targeted to a specific vulnerability in Evolution, on the other hand, might affect some people, but not everyone using Linux. The growth of the Microsoft monoculture in computing is a dangerous thing for users of Microsoft products, but also for all computing users, who suffer the consequences of disasters in that environment, such as wasted network resources, dangers to national security, and lost productivity (note: the link is to a 880 kb PDF file).

Now that we've looked at the social engineering side of things, let's examine software design for reasons why Linux (and Mac OS X) is better designed than Microsoft when it comes to email security. Microsoft continually links together its software, often not for technical reasons, but instead for marketing or business development reasons (see the previous link for corroboration). For instance, Outlook Express and Outlook both use the consistently-buggy Internet Explorer to view HTML-based emails. As a result, a hole in IE affects OE. Linux email readers don't indulge in such behavior, with two exceptions: Mozilla Mail uses the Gecko engine that powers Mozilla to view HTML-based email, while KMail relies on the KHTML engine that the Konqueror browser uses. Fortunately, both Mozilla and the KDE Project have excellent records when it comes to security.

Further, the email programs themselves are designed to act in a more secure manner. The default behavior of the email program I prefer - KMail - is to not load external references in messages, such as pictures and Web bugs, and to not display HTML. When an HTML-based email shows up in my Inbox, I see only the HTML code, and a message appears at the top of the email: "This is an HTML message. For security reasons, only the raw HTML code is shown. If you trust the sender of this message then you can activate formatted HTML display for this message by clicking here." But even after I activate the HTML, certain dynamic elements that can be introduced in an HTML-based email - like Java, Javascript, plugins and even the "refresh" META tag - do not display, and cannot even be enabled in KMail.

Finally, if there is an attachment, it does not automatically run ... ever. Instead, I have to click it, and when I do, I get a dialog box offering me three options: "Save As ..." (the default), "Open With ...", and "Cancel". If I have mapped a file type to a specific program - for instance, I have associated PDFs with the PS/PDF Viewer, then "Open With ..." instead says "Open", and if I choose "Open", then the file opens in the PS/PDF Viewer. However, in either case, the dialog box always contains a warning advising the user that attachments can compromise security. This is all good, very good.

For all these reasons, even if a few individuals got infected with a virus due to extremely foolish behavior, it's unlikely the virus would spread to other machines. Unlike Sobig.F, which is the fastest spreading virus ever, a Linux-based Virus would fizzle out quickly. Windows is an inviting petri dish for viruses and worms, while Linux is a hostile environment for such nasties.

Some caveats

There is one Linux distribution that is ignoring many years of common sense, good design, and an awareness of secure operating environments in favor of a Microsoft-like deprecation of security before the nebulous term "ease of use": Lindows. By default, Lindows runs the user of the system as root (and it even encourages the user to forgo setting up a root password during installation by labeling it as "optional"!), an unbelievably shortsighted decision that results in a Linux box with the same security as a Windows 9.x machine.

If you go to the Lindows Web site, they state that it is possible to add other, non-privileged users, but nowhere in the operating system do they advocate adding these other users. Yet they claim their distribution of Linux is secure! In an effort to emulate Microsoft and make things "easy", they have compromised the security of their users, an unforgivable action. No one in the field of security, or even IT, can recommend Lindows while such a blatant disregard for security is the norm for the OS.

Yet some Linux machines definitely need anti-virus software. Samba or NFS servers, for instance, may store documents in undocumented, vulnerable Microsoft formats, such as Word and Excel, that contain and propagate viruses. Linux mail servers should run AV software in order to neutralize viruses before they show up in the mailboxes of Outlook and Outlook Express users.

Security is, as we all know, a process, not a product. So when you use Linux, you're not using a perfectly safe OS. There is no such thing. But Linux and Mac OS X establish a more secure footing than Microsoft Windows, one that makes it far harder for viruses to take hold in the first place, but if one does take hold, harder to damage the system, but if one succeeds in damaging the system, harder to spread to other machines and repeat the process. When it comes to email-borne viruses and worms, Linux may not be completely immune - after all, nothing is immune to human gullibility and stupidity - but it is much more resistant. To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it. I know which one I'll trust. How about you?

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Comparison of Windows and Linux

Comparisons between the Microsoft Windows and Linux computer operating systems are a long-running discussion topic within the personal computer industry. Throughout the entire period of the Windows 9x systems through the introduction of Windows 7, Windows has retained an extremely large retail sales majority among operating systems for personal desktop use, while Linux has sustained its status as the most prominent free software operating system. After their initial clash, both operating systems moved beyond the user base of the personal computer market and share a rivalry on a variety of other devices, with offerings for the server and embedded systems markets, and mobile internet access.

The comparisons below reflect three families of Windows operating systems: Windows 9x (legacy), Windows NT, and Windows Embedded. Each family has its own code base and design. The focus of these comparisons is mainly on the NT family.

Linux is available for many types of CPUs: x86, x64, Itanium, MIPS, PowerPC, ARM, and others . The Windows NT family is available on x86, x64, and Itanium, although Itanium compatible versions of Windows are only sold as servers and x86 is being phased out[1]. Because of the diversity of supported cpu types, Linux finds applications today in routers, set-top boxes, PDAs and mobile phones as well as in servers and desktops. Windows Embedded has a long history, starting with DOS on POS terminals. Microsoft has based many embedded platforms on the core Windows CE operating system, including AutoPC, Windows Mobile, Mediaroom, Portable Media Center, and many industrial devices and embedded systems.

Microsoft Windows dominates in the desktop and personal computer markets with about 90% of the desktop market share, and in 2007, accounted for about 66% of all servers sold. In server revenue market share, as of Q4 2007, Microsoft Windows had 36.3% and Linux had 12.7%. As of June 2009, Linux powered 88.6% of the world's most powerful supercomputers. In December 2008, Linux powered five of the ten most reliable internet hosting companies, compared to Windows' one.

Linux and Microsoft Windows differ in philosophy, cost, versatility and stability, with each seeking to improve in their perceived weaker areas. Comparisons of the two operating systems tend to reflect their origins, historic user bases and distribution models. Typical perceived weaknesses regularly cited have often included poor consumer familiarity with Linux, and Microsoft Windows' susceptibility to viruses and malware.

Proponents of free software argue that the key strength of Linux is the degree of freedom allowed to the users, as embodied in The Free Software Definition: "the freedom to run the program [such as Linux]...to study...and change it...the freedom to redistribute copies...[and] improve the program, and release your improvements. "[6] Some fear that this "freedom of choice" primarily offers choices that are impertinent to the mainstream majority of computer users. Windows embedded devices are often configured without disk storage, and may be configured as a “closed” system that does not allow for end-user extension.

Windows 7 Thaems on Windows XP

Are you looking to download a windows 7 Theme For XP? Then here is one excellent pack that gives you windows 7 visual styles with superbar, windows 7 start orb, windows 7 taskbar and gorgeous windows 7 wallpapers for your Windows XP.

Download Windows 7 Theme For XP:

This Windows 7 Theme For XP is by a deviantart user Sagorpirbd and it makes your Windows XP look just like Windows 7.Download the Windows 7 Theme for XP from here. The zip file consists of the following:

  • The visual style.
  • The styler theme.
  • Some Beautiful Wallpapers (1920×1200).
  • Windows 7 ViStart Skin.
  • ReadMe.

With this Windows 7 theme For XP, you get a perfect looking Taskbar, Tray Icons, Quicklaunch Buttons and windows 7 start orb. Enjoy the Windows 7 theme For XP!!!.

Check this video on how to install it.

Kernal of Oparating System

The central module of an operating system. It is the part of the operating system that loads first, and it remains in main memory. Because it stays in memory, it is important for the kernel to be as small as possible while still providing all the essential services required by other parts of the operating system and applications. Typically, the kernel is responsible for memory management, process and task management, and disk management.

In computing, the kernel is the central component of most computer operating systems; it is a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. The kernel's responsibilities include managing the system's resources (the communication between hardware and software components).[1] Usually as a basic component of an operating system, a kernel can provide the lowest-level abstraction layer for the resources (especially processors and I/O devices) that application software must control to perform its function. It typically makes these facilities available to application processes through inter-process communication mechanisms and system calls.

Operating system tasks are done differently by different kernels, depending on their design and implementation. While monolithic kernels execute all the operating system code in the same address space to increase the performance of the system, microkernels run most of the operating system services in user space as servers, aiming to improve maintainability and modularity of the operating system.[2] A range of possibilities exists between these two extremes.

On the definition of "kernel", Jochen Liedtke said that the word is "traditionally used to denote the part of the operating system that is mandatory and common to all other software."[3] Most operating systems rely on this concept of the kernel. The existence of a kernel is a natural consequence of designing a computer system as a series of abstraction layers,[4] each relying on the functions of layers beneath it. The kernel, from this viewpoint, is simply the name given to the lowest level of abstraction that is implemented in software. In order to avoid having a kernel, one would have to design all the software on the system not to use abstraction layers; this would increase the complexity of the design to such a point that only the simplest systems could feasibly be implemented.

While it is today mostly called the kernel, originally the same part of the operating system was also called the nucleus or core[1][5][6][7], and was originally conceived as containing only the essential support features of the operating system. However the term core has also been used to refer to the primary memory of a computer system, because some early computers used a form of memory called core memory.

In most cases, the boot loader starts executing the kernel in supervisor mode.[8] The kernel then initializes itself and starts the first process. After this, the kernel does not typically execute directly, only in response to external events (e.g., via system calls used by applications to request services from the kernel, or via interrupts used by the hardware to notify the kernel of events). Additionally, the kernel typically provides a loop that is executed whenever no processes are available to run; this is often called the idle process.

Kernel development is considered one of the most complex and difficult tasks in programming.[9] Its central position in an operating system implies the necessity for good performance, which defines the kernel as a critical piece of software and makes its correct design and implementation difficult. For various reasons, a kernel might not even be able to use the abstraction mechanisms it provides to other software. Such reasons include memory management concerns (for example, a user-mode function might rely on memory being subject to demand paging, but as the kernel itself provides that facility it cannot use it, because then it might not remain in memory to provide that facility) and lack of reentrancy, thus making its development even more difficult for software engineers.

A kernel will usually provide features for low-level scheduling[10] of processes (dispatching), inter-process communication, process synchronization, context switching, manipulation of process control blocks, interrupt handling, process creation and destruction, and process suspension and resumption (see process states).

Linux Distributions

What is Linux Distributions?

A Linux distribution (also called GNU/Linux distribution by some vendors and users) is a member of the family of Unix-like software distributions built on top of the Linux kernel. Such distributions (often called distros for short) consist of a large collection of software applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, media players and database applications. The operating system will consist of the Linux kernel and, usually, a set of libraries and utilities from the GNU project, with graphics support from the X Window System. Distributions optimized for size may not contain X, and tend to use more compact alternatives to the GNU utilities such as Busybox, uClibc or dietlibc. There are currently over six hundred Linux distributions. Over three hundred of those are in active development, constantly being revised and improved.

Because most of the kernel and supporting packages are free and open source software, Linux distributions have taken a wide variety of forms — from fully featured desktop and server operating systems to minimal environments (typically for use in embedded systems, or for booting from a floppy disk). Aside from certain custom software (such as installers and configuration tools), a distribution is most simply described as a particular assortment of applications installed on top of a set of libraries married with a version of the kernel, such that its "out-of-the-box" capabilities meet most of the needs of its particular end-user base.

One can distinguish between commercially backed distributions, such as Fedora (Red Hat), openSUSE (Novell), Ubuntu (Canonical Ltd.), and Mandriva Linux (Mandriva) and entirely community-driven distributions such as Debian and Gentoo, though there are other distributions that are driven neither by a corporation nor a community, perhaps most famously Slackware.

Linux distributions (605)

  1. 3Anoppix
  2. 64 Studio
  3. Absolute Linux
  4. AbulÉdu
  5. Adamantix
  6. ADIOS
  7. Adler Linux
  8. Admelix
  9. Admiral Linux
  10. AGNULA
  11. Alcolix
  12. Alinex
  13. aLinux
  14. AliXe
  15. ALT Linux
  16. amaroK Live
  17. Amber
  18. andLinux
  19. Android
  20. Ankur
  21. Annvix
  22. AnNyung
  23. Anonym.OS
  25. antiX
  26. APODIO
  27. aquamorph
  28. Arabian
  29. ArcheOS
  30. Archie
  31. Arch Linux
  32. Ark Linux
  33. Armed Linux
  34. ArtistX
  35. Arudius
  36. AsianLinux
  37. Asianux
  38. ASork
  39. ASP Linux
  40. Astaro
  41. AsteriskNOW
  42. Athene
  43. ATMission
  44. Atomix
  45. Augustux
  46. Aurora
  47. Aurox
  49. B2D
  50. BabelDisc
  51. BackTrack
  52. Baltix
  53. Bayanihan
  54. BearOps Linux
  55. BeatrIX Linux
  56. Beehive Linux
  57. BeleniX
  58. Bent Linux
  59. Berry
  60. Berry Linux
  61. BestLinux
  63. BinToo
  64. BioBrew
  65. Bioknoppix
  66. Black Cat Linux
  67. blackPanther
  68. BLAG
  69. Blin
  70. Blin Linux
  71. Bloody Stupid
  72. Blue Cat Linux
  73. BlueLinux
  74. Bluewall
  75. Bonzai Linux
  76. Bootable Cluster CD
  77. Buffalo
  78. BugnuX
  79. BU Linux
  80. Burapha
  81. ByzantineOS
  82. Càtix
  83. Caixa Mágica
  84. Caldera Linux
  85. cAos
  86. Carl.OS
  87. Catix
  88. CCux
  89. CDlinux
  90. cdlinux.pl
  91. Censornet
  92. CentOS
  93. Chakra
  94. Chrome OS
  95. cl33n
  96. ClarkConnect
  97. ClearOS
  98. cLIeNUX
  99. Clonezilla Live
  100. Clusterix
  101. clusterKNOPPIX
  102. Co-Create
  103. CobaltOS
  104. College
  105. Condorux
  106. Conectiva Linux
  107. Cool Linux CD
  108. Coreboot
  109. Corel Linux
  110. Coyote
  111. Craftworks Linux
  112. CrunchBang
  113. CrunchEee
  114. CRUX
  115. Damn Small Linux
  116. Damn Vulnerable Linux
  117. Danix
  119. Debian GNU/Linux
  120. Debris Linux
  121. Deep-Water
  122. Deft Linux
  123. DeLi
  124. Delix Linux
  125. Denix
  126. Devil
  127. Dizinha
  128. DLD
  129. DNALinux
  130. Draco Linux
  131. Dragon Linux
  132. Dragora
  133. DRBL live
  134. Dreamlinux
  135. Dualix
  136. Dynabolic
  137. dyne:bolic
  138. Dzongkha
  139. E/OS LX Desktop
  140. Eadem
  141. Eagle
  142. eAR OS
  143. easyLinux
  144. Easy Peasy
  145. easys
  146. Edubuntu
  147. eduKnoppix
  148. EduLinux
  149. Ehad
  150. Eisfair
  151. Elbuntu
  152. ELE
  153. eLearnix
  154. ELF
  155. Elfstone Linux
  156. Elive
  157. ELP
  158. ELX
  159. Embedix
  160. Endian
  161. EnGarde
  162. ERPOSS
  163. ESware
  164. Euronode
  165. EvilEntity Linux
  166. Evinux
  167. EzPlanet One
  168. FAMELIX
  169. FaunOS
  170. Feather
  171. Featherweight
  172. Fedora
  173. Fermi
  174. ffsearch-LiveCD
  175. Finnix
  176. Fiubbix
  177. Flash
  178. FlightLinux
  179. Flonix
  180. Fluxbuntu
  181. FluxFlux-Eee
  182. Foresight
  183. FoRK
  184. Formilux
  185. FoX Desktop
  186. Freduc
  187. free-EOS
  188. Freedows
  189. Freeduc
  190. FreeNAS
  191. Freepia
  192. FreeSBIE
  193. Freespire
  194. FreevoLive
  195. Freezy
  196. Frugalware
  197. FTOSX
  198. GeeXboX
  199. Gelecek
  200. GenieOS
  201. Gentoo
  202. Gentoox
  203. GEOLivre
  204. Gibraltar
  205. Ging
  206. Giotto
  207. Glendix
  208. gNewSense
  209. GNIX
  210. Gnoppix
  211. GNUbie Linux
  212. gnuLinEx
  213. GNUstep
  214. GoblinX
  215. GoboLinux
  216. GoodGoat Linux
  217. Google Chrome OS
  218. gOS (Google OS)
  219. GParted
  220. Grafpup
  221. Granular Linux
  222. grml
  223. Guadalinex
  224. GuLIC-BSD
  225. H3Knix
  226. Haansoft
  227. Hakin9
  228. Halloween Linux
  229. Hancom
  230. Hedinux
  231. Helix
  232. Heretix
  233. Hikarunix
  234. Hiweed
  235. Holon
  236. HOLON Linux
  237. Honeywall
  238. How-Tux
  239. Hubworx
  240. iBox
  241. ICE Linux
  242. Icepack Linux
  243. IDMS
  244. Igelle
  245. Ignalum
  246. Impi
  247. Independence
  248. IndLinux
  249. IPCop
  250. JBLinux
  251. Jolicloud
  252. JoLinux
  253. Julex
  254. Jurix Linux
  255. Juxlala
  256. K-DEMar
  257. K12LTSP
  258. Kaboot
  259. Kaella
  260. Kaladix Linux
  261. Kalango
  262. KANOTIX
  263. Karamad
  264. KateOS
  265. Kinneret
  266. Kiwi Linux
  267. Klax
  268. Klikit-Linux
  269. K Linux
  270. kmLinux
  271. knopILS
  272. Knoppel
  273. Knopperdisk
  274. Knoppix
  275. Knoppix 64
  276. KnoppiXMAME
  277. KnoppMyth
  278. KnoSciences
  279. Komodo
  280. Kongoni
  281. Kororaa
  282. KRUD
  283. Kubuntu
  284. Kuki Linux
  285. Kurumin
  286. Kwort
  287. L.A.S.
  288. Leetnux
  289. Lerntux
  290. LFS
  291. LG3D
  292. LibraNet Linux
  293. LIIS
  294. Lin-X
  295. Linare
  296. LindowsOS
  297. Lineox
  298. LinEspa
  299. LinnexOS
  300. Linpus
  301. Linspire
  302. Linux+ Live
  303. Linux-EduCD
  304. Linux4One
  305. Linux Antarctica
  306. Linux by LibraNet
  307. LinuxConsole
  308. Linux DA OS
  309. LinuxMCE
  310. Linux Mint
  311. LINUXO
  312. LinuxOne
  313. LinuxPPC
  314. LinuxTLE
  315. Linux XP
  316. Litrix
  317. LiveCD Router
  318. LiveKiosk
  319. LiVux
  320. LLGP
  321. LliureX
  322. LNX-BBC
  323. Loco
  324. Lormalinux
  325. l OS
  326. LST Linux
  327. LTSP
  328. LUC3M
  329. Luit
  330. Lunar
  331. LuteLinux
  332. LXDEbian
  333. Lycoris Desktop/LX
  334. Magic
  335. Mandrake
  336. Mandriva
  337. Mangaka
  338. MAX
  339. MaxOS
  340. Mayix
  341. MCNLive
  342. Mediainlinux
  343. Media Lab
  344. MEPIS
  345. MiniKazit
  346. Minislack
  347. Miracle
  348. MirOS
  349. MkLinux
  350. m0n0wall
  351. Moblin
  352. Mockup
  353. MoLinux
  354. Momonga
  355. Monoppix
  356. Monte Vista Linux
  357. MoonOS
  358. Morphix
  359. MostlyLinux
  360. MoviX
  361. MSC
  362. Mulimidix
  363. muLinux
  364. Multi Distro
  365. Muriqui
  366. MURIX
  367. Musix
  368. Mutagenix
  369. Myah OS
  370. myLinux
  371. Nasgaïa
  372. Nature's
  373. Navyn OS
  374. NepaLinux
  375. NetMAX DeskTOP
  376. NetSecL
  377. Netstation Linux
  378. Netwosix
  379. Nexenta
  380. Niigata
  381. NimbleX
  382. Nitix
  383. NoMad Linux
  384. Nonux
  385. Nova
  386. NST
  387. nUbuntu
  388. Nuclinux
  389. NuxOne
  390. O-Net
  391. Ocularis
  392. Ola Dom
  393. Omega
  394. Omoikane
  395. Onebase Linux
  396. OpenArtist
  397. OpenLab
  398. OpenLinux
  399. OpenLX
  400. OpenMamba
  401. OpenNA
  402. Open ProgeX
  403. Openwall
  404. Operator
  405. Oralux
  406. Overclockix
  407. P!tux
  408. PAIPIX
  409. paldo
  410. ParallelKnoppix
  411. Pardus
  412. Parsix
  413. Parsix GNU/Linux
  414. PC/OS
  415. PCLinuxOS
  416. Peanut Linux
  417. PelicanHPC
  418. Penguin Sleuth
  419. Pentoo
  420. Pequelin
  421. pfSense
  422. Phaeronix
  423. Phantomix
  424. Phat Linux
  425. PHLAK
  426. Pie Box
  427. Pilot
  428. Pingo
  429. Pingwinek
  430. Pioneer Linux
  431. Plamo
  432. PLD
  433. PLoP Linux
  434. Pocket Linux
  435. Poseidon
  436. POSTed
  437. Power Desktop
  438. Pozix Linux
  439. pQui
  440. Privatix
  441. Progeny
  442. ProTech
  443. PUD
  444. Puppy
  445. Puredyne
  446. QiLinux
  447. Qimo
  448. Qplus
  449. Quantian
  450. Raidiator
  451. Red Flag
  452. Red Hat
  453. RedHawk Linux
  454. Redmond Linux
  455. redWall Firewall
  456. Repairlix
  457. RIP
  458. ROCK
  459. Rock Linux
  460. Rocks Cluster
  461. ROOT
  462. ROSLIMS
  463. rPath
  464. RR4 Linux
  465. RTLinux
  466. Rubix
  467. Sabayon
  468. Sabily
  469. Salgix
  470. Salvare
  471. SAM
  472. Samhain Linux
  473. Santa Fe
  474. Sauver
  475. SaxenOS
  476. SCI.Linux
  477. Scientific
  478. SCO Linux
  479. ScrudgeWare
  480. Securepoint
  481. Sentry Firewall
  482. Shift Linux
  483. Shinux
  484. SimplyMEPIS
  485. Skolelinux
  486. Slack/390
  487. Slackintosh
  488. Slackware
  489. Slamd64
  490. SLAMPP
  491. slax
  492. SliTaz GNU/Linux
  493. SLS
  494. SLYNUX
  495. SME Server
  496. SmoothWall
  497. Snøfrix
  498. SnapGear Embedded Linux
  499. SNAPPIX
  500. SoL (Server optimized Linux)
  501. Sorcerer
  502. SOT Linux
  503. Source Mage
  504. Spectra Linux
  505. SphinxOS
  506. Splack
  507. Splashtop
  508. Stampede
  509. StartCom
  510. STD
  511. Stormix
  512. StreamBOX
  513. StressLinux
  514. STUX
  515. STX
  516. Sugar On A Stick
  517. SuliX
  518. Sun Linux
  519. Sun Wah
  520. SuperGamer
  521. SuSE
  522. Symphony OS
  523. SystemRescue
  524. T2
  525. TA-Linux
  526. Tablix
  527. Tao Live
  528. Taprobane
  529. TechLinux
  530. Thinstation
  531. Tilix
  532. Tinfoil Hat Linux
  533. Titan LEV
  534. tomsrtbt
  535. Tomukas
  536. Toophpix
  537. Topologilinux
  538. Toutou
  539. Trinity
  540. Trisquel GNU/Linux
  541. Trixbox
  542. Troppix
  543. Trustix
  544. Trustverse
  545. Truva
  546. TumiX
  547. TupiServer
  548. Tuquito
  549. Turbolinux
  550. Turkix
  551. Ubuntu
  552. UbuntuME
  553. Ubuntu Netbook Remix
  554. Ubuntu Privacy Remix
  555. uClinux
  556. Ufficio Zero
  557. UHU-Linux
  558. uL
  559. Ulteo
  560. Ultima
  561. Underground
  562. Unifix Linux
  563. uOS
  564. Urli OS
  565. UserLinux
  566. UTILEX
  567. Ututo
  568. Vector
  569. Vidalinux
  570. VideoLinux
  571. Vine
  572. VLOS
  573. VNLinux
  574. Voltalinux
  575. WarLinux
  576. Wazobia
  577. Webfish Linux
  578. WHAX
  579. White Box
  580. Whitix
  581. WIENUX
  582. WinLinux 2001
  583. WinSlack
  584. Wolvix
  585. WOMP!
  586. X-evian
  587. X/OS
  588. Xandros
  589. Xarnoppix
  590. Xenoppix
  591. Xfld
  592. Ximian Desktop
  593. xPud
  594. Xteam
  595. XtreemOS
  596. Xubuntu
  597. Yellow Dog
  598. YES
  599. Yggdrasil Linux
  600. Ylmf OS
  601. Yoper
  602. Zebuntu
  603. Zenwalk
  604. Zeroshell
  605. ZoneCD

List of Oparating Systems

Operating systems (582)

  1. 2K
  2. 86-DOS
  3. A/UX
  4. Acados
  5. ACP (Airline Control Program)
  6. AdaOS
  8. Adrenaline
  9. aerolitheOS
  10. Aimos
  11. AIOS
  12. AIX
  13. AIX/370
  14. AIX/ESA
  15. Allegro
  16. AllianceOS
  17. Alto OS
  18. Amiga OS
  19. Amoeba
  20. Amstrad
  21. AMX RTOS
  22. AngelOS
  23. Antarctica
  24. AOS/VS
  25. Aperios
  26. Apollo Domain/OS
  27. ApolloOS
  28. Apostle
  29. Archimedes OS
  30. AROS
  31. ARTOS
  32. Asbestos
  33. Athena
  34. AtheOS
  35. AtomsNet
  36. Atomthreads
  37. AuroraOS
  38. B-Free
  39. Bada
  40. BAL
  41. Banyan VINES
  42. Basic Executive System
  43. BeIA
  44. BeOS
  45. Beowulf
  46. BKY
  47. BlueEyedOS
  48. BOS
  49. BOS1810
  50. BoxOS
  51. BPMK
  52. bpmk
  53. BRiX
  54. BS600
  55. BS2000
  56. BSDi
  57. BugOS
  58. Calmira
  59. CCP (Computer Control Program)
  60. CDOS
  61. Cefarix
  62. C Executive
  63. Chaos
  64. Chimera
  65. Chippewa OS
  66. Choices
  67. Chorus
  68. Cinder OS
  69. Cisco IOS
  70. Clicker32
  71. CMW+ (SCO)
  72. COBRA
  73. Coherent
  75. ConvexOS
  76. Cos
  77. Cosy
  78. Counterpoise
  79. CP/K
  80. CP/M
  81. CP/NET
  82. CP/Z
  83. CPF (Control Program Facility)
  84. Cromix
  85. Cronus
  86. CSOC
  87. CTOS
  88. CTSS
  89. CX/SX
  90. Cyber (CDC)
  91. Cygnus
  92. DAC
  93. Darwin
  94. Data General
  95. DC/OSx
  96. DCP
  97. Degenerate OS
  98. Delitalk
  99. Deming OS
  100. DEMOS
  101. DesktopBSD
  103. DG/UX
  105. dingOS
  106. DK/DOS
  107. DLD
  108. DNIX
  109. Domain OS
  110. DOS
  111. DOS2
  112. DOS 50
  113. Dosket
  114. dr'ex
  115. DR-DOS
  116. Drops
  117. Drywell OS
  118. DS-OS
  119. DTOS
  120. DVIX
  121. DYNIX Unix (Sequent)
  122. ECL-3211
  123. eComStation
  124. eCos
  125. EduOS
  126. EGOS
  127. ekkoBSD
  128. Elate
  129. ELKS
  130. Elysium
  131. EOS
  132. EP/IX
  133. EPOC
  134. ERaMS
  135. ERIKA
  136. EROS
  137. ESER
  138. ESIX
  139. ESKO
  140. Eumel
  141. EuNIX
  142. Exopc
  143. ExOS
  144. Express
  145. Famos
  146. FDOS
  147. Fiasco
  148. Flamethrower
  149. FlashOS
  150. FlexOS
  151. FLP-80 DOS
  152. Flux
  153. Flux-Fluke-Flask
  154. FMS
  155. Forth
  156. FreeBSD
  157. FreeDOS
  158. FreeDOWS
  159. FreeVMS
  160. Frenzy
  161. FullPliant
  162. FunatixOS
  163. FxOS
  164. GazOS
  165. GCOS
  166. GECOS
  167. GeekOS
  168. Gemini Nucleus
  169. Genera
  170. GEORGE
  171. GEOS
  172. GM OS
  173. GNU Hurd
  174. GNUstep
  175. Go
  176. Goah
  177. Gould OS
  178. Grasshopper
  179. GUIDE
  180. Haïku
  181. HA-MSP
  182. Hactar
  183. Harmony
  184. Helios
  185. HES
  186. Hive
  187. HOPE
  188. HP-87 OS
  189. HP-UX
  190. HT-11
  191. Hurd
  192. Hurricane
  193. HydrixOS
  194. i5/OS
  195. IBM PC-DOS
  196. IBSYS
  197. Icaros Desktop
  198. ICL Unix
  199. Immunix
  200. Inferno
  201. INMOS
  203. Iridium OS
  204. IRIX
  205. iRMX
  206. IRTS
  207. ISC (Interactive)
  208. ISIS
  209. ISSL
  210. ITRON
  211. ITS
  212. JAMB
  213. JavaOS
  214. Jbed
  215. JeniOS
  216. Jeo-OS
  217. Jibbed
  218. JOS
  219. JTMOS
  220. JUNOS
  221. JxOS
  222. KAOS
  223. Katix
  224. Kea
  225. Kerberos
  226. KeyKOS
  227. KOS
  228. KRONOS
  229. KROS
  230. KRUD
  231. Kylin
  232. L4
  233. L13Plus
  234. LainOS
  235. LAN Manager
  236. LDOS
  237. LegOS
  238. leJOS
  239. Linux
  240. Lisa OS
  241. LTSS
  242. LynxOS
  243. Möbius
  244. Mach
  245. Mac OS 8
  246. Mac OS 9
  247. Mac OS X
  248. MANOS
  249. MaRTE OS
  250. Maruti
  251. Masix
  252. Maverick OS
  253. MBOS
  254. MCP (Master Control Program)
  255. MDOS
  256. MenuetOS
  257. Merlin
  258. Micriµm
  260. MicroVMS
  261. MikeOS
  262. Minima
  263. Minix
  264. Minux
  265. Miranda
  266. Miray µnOS
  267. MITE 80/IOS
  268. MK++
  269. ML
  270. ModulOS
  271. Monitor
  272. MOPS
  273. MorphOS
  274. MOS
  275. MOSIX
  276. MPE/iX
  277. MPE OS
  278. MRT1700
  279. MS-DOS
  280. MSOS
  281. MT809
  282. Multics
  283. Mungi
  284. MUTOS
  285. muVinix
  286. MVS
  287. NachOS
  288. NCR Unix
  289. NEC DOS
  290. NECUX
  291. Nemesis
  292. NeOS
  293. NetBSD
  294. Netware
  295. NewDeal
  296. NEWDOS
  297. NewOS
  298. NEWS-OS
  299. Newton OS
  300. NexentaOS
  301. NeXTStep
  302. NextworksOS
  303. Nexus
  304. Nimbus
  305. Node OS
  306. NOS
  307. NOS/BE
  308. NOS/VE
  309. Nova
  310. Novell DOS
  311. NS/GDOS
  312. NSK
  313. NTDIOS
  314. Nucleus
  315. Oaesis
  316. Oasis
  317. Oberon
  318. Objex
  319. Odin
  320. Omega 4
  321. OnCore
  322. On Time RTOS-32
  323. Opal
  324. OpenBeOS
  325. OpenBSD
  326. OpenDarwin
  327. OpenRavenscar
  328. OpenServer
  329. OpenVision
  330. OpenVMS
  331. OppcOS
  332. OS-2
  333. OS-9
  334. OS-C
  335. OS/2
  336. OS/2 Warp
  337. OS/9
  338. OS/360
  339. OS/390
  340. OS/400
  341. OS/ES
  342. OS/M
  343. OS4
  344. osCAN
  345. OSE
  346. OSF/1
  347. Osx
  348. OZONE
  349. PAKOS
  350. Palm OS
  351. PAPL
  352. Paramecium
  353. ParixOS
  354. Paros
  355. PaulOS
  356. P BASIC
  357. PC-BSD
  358. PC-DOS
  359. PC/M-System
  360. PDOS
  361. PEACE
  362. Pebble
  363. Pegasos
  364. PETROS
  365. Phantom OS
  366. Phos
  367. PIOS
  368. PizziOS
  369. Plan 9
  370. Plex86
  371. PM_SZ_OS
  372. PocketPC 2003
  373. PowerMAX
  374. PowerOS
  375. PowerSX
  376. PowerUX
  377. ProDOS
  378. Prologue
  379. Proolix
  380. ProOSEK
  381. PSOS
  382. pSOSystem
  383. PSU
  384. PTS DOS
  385. PublicOS
  386. PURE
  387. QDOS
  388. QNX
  389. Quadros
  390. RadiOS
  391. RBASIC
  392. RCOSjava
  393. RDOS
  394. ReactOS
  395. REAL-32
  396. Realogy Real Time Architekt
  397. REBOL-IOS
  398. ReWin
  399. REX-80/86
  400. REXX/OS
  401. RHODOS
  402. RISC OS
  403. RMOS
  404. RMS 68k
  405. Roadrunner
  406. Rome
  407. ROME
  408. RSTS/E
  409. RSX-11
  410. RT-11
  411. RTEL
  412. RTEMS
  413. RT Mach NTT
  414. rtmk
  415. RTMX
  416. RTOS-32
  417. RTOS-UH
  418. RTS-80
  419. RTX
  420. RTXDOS
  421. RxDOS
  422. S.Ha.R.K
  423. Sanos
  424. SCO OpenServer
  425. SCOPE
  426. ScorchOS
  427. ScottsNewOS
  428. Scout
  429. SCP
  430. SCP (System Control Program)
  431. SCP-IBE
  432. Self-R
  433. SeOS
  434. Sequent
  435. SEVMS VAX
  436. Shark
  437. SharpOS
  438. ShawnOS
  439. SIBO
  440. Sinclair
  441. Sinix
  443. SkyOS
  444. Slikware
  445. sMultiTA
  446. SOBS
  447. Solaris
  448. Solar_OS
  449. Solbourne UNIX
  450. SOS
  451. SP6800
  452. Spice
  453. Spice/MT
  454. SPIN
  455. Spinix
  456. SPOX
  457. Spring
  458. Squeak
  459. SSP (System Support Program)
  460. STAR-OS
  461. STARCOS
  462. Starplex II OS
  463. Sting
  464. StreamOS
  465. Subsump
  466. SUMO
  467. SunMOS
  468. SunOS
  469. SunriseOS
  470. SuperDOS
  471. SVM
  472. SVR
  473. Syllable
  474. Symbian OS
  475. SymbOS
  476. Symobi
  477. Symphony OS
  478. Synapse
  479. System 6 (Mac OS)
  480. System 7 (Mac OS)
  481. System V Release
  482. TABOS
  483. Tabos
  484. TalOS
  485. TAOS
  486. TENEX
  487. THE
  488. Thix
  489. ThreadX
  490. ThrillOS
  491. TI-99 4A
  492. TinyOS
  493. TIS APL
  494. TNIX
  495. TOPS-10
  496. TOPS-20
  497. Topsy
  498. Tornado
  499. Torsion
  500. TOS
  501. TPF (Transaction Processing Facility)
  502. TriangleOS
  503. Tripos
  504. TRON
  505. TRS-DOS
  506. Tru64 UNIX
  507. TSX-32
  508. TUD:OS
  509. TUNES
  510. TurboDOS
  511. UberOS
  512. UCSD-p
  513. UDOS
  514. Ultrix
  515. UMDS
  516. UMN
  517. UNI/OS
  518. Unicos
  519. UNICOS/lc
  520. Uni FLEX
  521. Unisys U5000
  522. Unix System
  523. UnixWare
  524. Unununium
  525. USIX
  526. UTS
  527. UXP/V
  528. V2 OS
  529. Vapour
  530. VERSAdos
  531. Visopsys
  532. Visual Network OS
  533. VM/ESA
  534. VM/VSE
  535. VME
  536. VMS
  537. VRTX/8002
  538. VRTX/OS
  539. VSE
  540. VSOS
  541. VSTa
  542. VTOS
  543. VxWorks
  544. WEGA
  545. WildMagnolia
  546. Windows 7
  547. Windows 95
  548. Windows 98
  549. Windows 98 SE
  550. Windows 2000
  551. Windows Automotive
  552. Windows CE
  553. Windows ME
  554. Windows NT
  555. Windows Server 2003
  556. Windows Server 2003 R2
  557. Windows Server 2008
  558. Windows Server 2008 R2
  559. Windows Vista
  560. Windows XP
  561. WinMac
  562. WIZRD
  563. x-kernel
  564. XAOS
  565. Xenix
  566. Xinu
  567. xMach
  568. XOS
  569. XTS
  570. Yamit
  571. Yaxic
  572. Yoctix
  573. z-VM
  574. z/OS
  575. Z9001-OS
  576. ZealOS
  577. Zeta
  578. Zeus Zilog
  579. zeVenOS
  580. ZMOS
  581. ZotOS
  582. ZRTS 8000
Most Popular oparating Systems

AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) - a proprietary (i.e., commercial) flavor (i.e., variant) of UNIX launched by IBM in 1990 for use on its mainframe computers.

Amiga - launched with the pioneering Amiga personal computer in 1985 and continues to be developed today for the PowerPC processor. Amiga features an elegant GUI (graphical user interface) together with some of the flexibility of Unix-like operating systems.

BeOS - developed by Be Incorporated in 1990 as a media operating system that was optimized for digital media (e.g., digital audio, digital video and three-dimensional graphics). BeOS has some Unix-like characteristics, including its use of the bash (the default on Linux) command shell and its directory structure, but it was written in entirely new code. The loyal user base was very disappointed when the company failed commercially, and thus several open source projects, including beunited.org, are under way that are aimed at recreating and updating (e.g., new video drivers) BeOS.

Darwin - an open source derivative of 4.4BSD1 (Berkeley Software Distribution Version 4.4) that serves as the core for the Macintosh OS X. It was originally released in March 1999. There is also a GNU version of Darwin, which is called GNU-Darwin.

FreeBSD - the most popular of the BSD operating systems, accounting for approximately 80 percent of BSD installations (at least until Darwin came onto the scene). FreeBSD was begun in early 1993 based on 4.3BSD, and the first version, 1.0, was released in December of that year.

FreeDOS - begun in 1994 by Jim Hall with the goal of becoming a complete, free and fully MS-DOS compatible operating system for x86 (i.e., Intel-compatible) CPUs (i.e., central processing units).

GNU/Hurd - has been under development by Richard Stallman and his Free Software Foundation (FSF) since 1990. The core component, the Hurd (Hird of Unix-replacing daemons) kernel (i.e., the core of the operating system), is still not completed because of its very ambitious goal: to surpass Unix-like kernels in functionality, security and stability while remaining largely compatible with them.

HP-UX - a proprietary flavor of UNIX developed by Hewlett-Packard for its HP 9000 series of business servers. HP-UX 1.0 was released in 1986.

IRIX - a proprietary flavor of UNIX introduced by Silicon Graphics, Incorporated (SGI) in 1982 for applications that use three dimensional visualization and virtual reality.

JavaOS - developed by Sun Microsystems in 1996 for use in embedded systems (i.e., combinations of circuitry and software built into other products). JavaOS is written primarily in the Java programming language and includes a Java virtual machine (which allows running of any Java program regardless of the type of CPU used) as a fundamental component.

Linux - a high performance, yet completely free, Unix-like operating system launched by Linus Torvalds in 1991. GNU/Linux, as it is also called (because it makes extensive use of utilities and other software developed by the GNU project) is suitable for use on a wide range of platforms and is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit processors. More than 200 distributions (i.e., versions) of Linux have been introduced, among the most popular of which are Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake, Debian and Ubuntu. Although its overall market share is still small, Linux is the most rapidly growing of any major operating system.

Mac OS X - was released by Apple Computer, Inc. in 2001 as a replacement for its aging Mac OS operating system. Now commonly referred to as Mac Classic, the pioneering Mac OS was introduced with the first Macintosh computers in 1984, and it was the first commercial operating system to include a GUI. Mac OS X was developed as an entirely new, BSD-based operating system that runs on a more advanced processor (the PowerPC) but which maintains backward compatibility with the Mac OS (which runs on the Motorola m68k). The Mac OS X consists of Darwin and the Mach microkernel (an advanced kernel developed at Carnegie-Mellon University) together with Apple's proprietary Aqua GUI (which is widely regarded as the best in the industry). Apple is currently completing a transition of its hardware and OS X from the PowerPC to x86 processors.

Microsoft Windows - the successors to the very popular MS-DOS, it was announced in 1983, and the first version, Windows 1.0, was finally released in 1985. Microsoft Windows encompasses two groups of operating systems (i.e., Windows 95/98/ME/CE and Windows NT/2000/XP) which resemble each other superficially and share compatibility with many of the same application programs but which have very different internal structures.

MINIX - a small, open source UNIX clone that was first released in January 1987. It was written for use in computer science education by Professor Andrew S. Tanenbaum of Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and it is now best known for its role in inspiring Linus Torvalds to develop Linux.

MS-DOS - a single-user, single-tasking operating system that uses a command line (i.e., text only) user interface. It was launched by Microsoft in 1981 and used on the first personal computers, which were introduced by IBM in the same year. In spite of its very small size and relative simplicity, MS-DOS is one of the most successful operating systems that has been developed to date.

NetBSD - a derivative of 4.3BSD and launched in 1993, as was the case with FreeBSD. It is possibly the most portable of all operating systems, with the ability to run on more than 50 processors, ranging from the acorn26 to the x86.

OpenBSD - spun off from NetBSD in 1996 by Theo de Raadt in Calgary, Alberta because of a desire to place even more emphasis on security. OpenBSD has a goal of becoming the most secure operating system, and it claims to have had only one remote hole in the default install in more than eight years.

Palm OS - developed by PalmSource, Inc. for personal digital assistants (PDAs). Palm OS features flexibility and ease of use. It is the leading PDA operating system, used in more than 36 million mobile devices, and there are more than 20,000 software titles for it, far more than for any other handheld platform.

QNX - a Unix-like, POSIX-compliant2, real time operating system developed in 1982 that is widely used for mission- and life-critical embedded applications. QNX can also be used as a desktop operating system and features a unique and attractive GUI. Although it is a commercial operating system owned by QNX Software Systems in Ontario, Canada, it is free for personal use.

SkyOS - a commercial hobbyist operating system developed by Robert Szeleney from 1996. SkyOS has some features that resemble BeOS. It is mostly POSIX compliant, and comes with many of the GNU utilities, including the very highly rated GCC (GNU Compiler Collection).

Solaris - developed by Sun Microsystems for its SPARC processor and the most widely used proprietary flavor of UNIX. Solaris was introduced as SunOS in 1989, and it was based on BSD Unix. A version for x86 processors is also available.

TRON (The Real-time Operating system Nucleus) - started by Professor Ken Sakamura of the University of Tokyo in 1984 with the goal of creating an ideal computer architecture. TRON claims to be the world's most widely used operating system because it is embedded in a vast number and variety of electronic products. The TRON specifications are open, but there is no requirement to make source code (i.e., the human-readable form in which the software is originally written) freely available, in contrast to the GPL3.

Tru64 - a proprietary flavor of UNIX offered by Hewlett-Packard for the 64-bit Alpha processor. It is unusual among Unix-like operating systems in that it is built on the Mach kernel, which is also used in Mac OS X. Tru64 was originally developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and called Digital UNIX.

1BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) is a version of UNIX that was developed at the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) in the 1970s. It is the ancestor of the modern BSDs (i.e., FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Darwin) and its technology was also incorporated into the other Unix-like operating systems as well as into other operating systems, including Microsoft Windows. The final version was 4.4BSD.

2POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for uniX) is a set of programming interface standards governing how to write source code so that the applications are portable between operating systems. POSIX support was at one time adopted by the U.S. government as a standard requirement for its purchases. Linux and other Unix-like operating systems are POSIX compliant.

3The GPL (GNU General Public License), the most popular of the many free software licenses, requires that the source code of any GPL-licensed work, or of any work based on a GPL-licensed work, be made freely available.

Oparating system Developers

* Microsoft
* Unix
* Sun
* Apple
* Commodore
* Corel
* Digital
* Kondara
* Linus Trovalds
* Mandrake
* Red Hat
* Suse
* Bell Labs
* UnixWare

Microsoft Windows

* Microsoft Windows Vista (aka Windows NT 6.0) (codename: Longhorn)
* Windows Server 2003 (aka Windows NT 5.2)
* Microsoft Windows XP (aka Windows NT 5.1) (codename: Whistler)
* Microsoft Windows 2000 (aka Windows NT 5.0)
* Windows NT 4.0, 3.51, 3.5, 3.1
* Windows Me (aka Windows 4.9)
* Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) (aka Windows 4.2)
* Windows 98 (aka Windows 4.1)
* Windows 95 (aka Windows 4.0)

MacOS (Apple Macintosh)

* Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard) (planned for release in late 2006/early 2007)
* Mac OS X v10.4 (Tiger)
* Mac OS X v10.3 (Panther)
* Mac OS X v10.2 (Jaguar)
* Mac OS X v10.1 (Puma)
* Mac OS X v10.0 (Cheetah)
* Mac OS 9
* Mac OS 8
* Mac OS 7.6 (first officially-named Mac OS)
* System 7 (code-named "Big Bang")
* System Software 6 and earlier

Linux is an Open Source Operating system

* Ubuntu
* Debian
* openSUSE
* SUSE Enterprise Linux
* Fedora
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux
* CentOS
* Mandriva
* Xandros
* Linspire (previously known as "LindowsOS")
* Gentoo
* Slackware


* DragonFly BSD
* FreeBSD
* NetBSD
* OpenBSD


* Nexenta
* Solaris


Other operating systems currently in use, and appropriate for specifically targeted web applications and testing, but not considered to be in mainstream use.

* Inferno
* SkyOS
* Digital UNIX (aka Tru64)

Oparating System Types

As computers have progressed and developed so have the types of operating systems. Below is a basic list of the different types of operating systems and a few examples of operating systems that fall into each of the categories. Many computer operating systems will fall into more than one of the below categories.


* Multi-User

* Multiprocessing

* Multitasking

* Multithreading

GUI - Short for Graphical User Interface, a GUI Operating System contains graphics and icons and is commonly navigated by using a computer mouse. See our GUI dictionary definition for a complete definition. Below are some examples of GUI Operating Systems.

System 7.x
Windows 98
Windows CE

Multi-user - A multi-user operating system allows for multiple users to use the same computer at the same time and/or different times. See our multi-user dictionary definition for a complete definition for a complete definition. Below are some examples of multi-user operating systems.

Windows 2000

Multiprocessing - An operating system capable of supporting and utilizing more than one computer processor. Below are some examples of multiprocessing operating systems.

Windows 2000

Multitasking - An operating system that is capable of allowing multiple software processes to run at the same time. Below are some examples of multitasking operating systems.

Windows 2000

Multithreading - Operating systems that allow different parts of a software program to run concurrently. Operating systems that would fall into this category are:

Windows 2000

Oparating System

What is an oparating system?

An operating system (OS) is the software on a computer that manages the way different programs use its hardware, and regulates the ways that a user controls the computer. Operating Systems is also a field of study within Applied Computer Science. Operating systems are found on almost any device that contains a computer with multiple programs—from cellular phones and video game consoles to supercomputers and web servers. Some popular modern operating systems for personal computers include Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux

Because early computers were often built for only a single task, like a calculator, operating systems did not exist in their modern and more complex forms until the 1960s.[4] As computers evolved into being devices that could run different programs in succession, programmers began putting libraries of common programs (in the form of computer code) onto the computer in order to avoid duplication and speed up the process. Eventually, computers began being built to automatically switch from one task to the next. The creation of runtime libraries to manage processing and printing speed came next, which evolved into programs that could interpret different types of programming languages into machine code. When personal computers by companies such as Apple Inc., Atari, IBM and Amiga became popular in the 1980s, vendors began adding features such as software scheduling and hardware maintenance.

An operating system can be divided into many different parts. One of the most important parts is the kernel, which controls low-level processes that the average user usually cannot see: it controls how memory is read and written, the order in which processes are executed, how information is received and sent by devices like the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and deciding how to interpret information received by networks. The user interface is the part of the operating system that interacts with the computer user directly, allowing them to control and use programs. The user interface may be graphical with icons and a desktop, or textual, with a command line. Another similar feature is an Application programming interface, which is a set of services and code libraries that let applications interact with one another, as well as the operating system itself. Depending on the operating system, many of these components may not be considered an actual part. For example, Windows considers its user interface to be part of the operating system, while many versions of Linux do not.

Windows 7 Wallpapers

Fern leaf desktop wallpaper

If you like green wallpapers, this windows 7 wallpaper would definitely be to your liking. It is a picture of a fern leaf and the beautiful thing about a fern leaf as you know is its symmetric design where it tapers off in the distance. This wallpaper shows us exactly that and the shade of green is quite soothing for the eyes. The background of fern leaves is also quite beautiful to behold.

Windows 7 exotic plant wallpaper

This windows 7 desktop wallpaper shows us another close up shot of a plant. The focus seems to be on nature here which isn’t a surprise because some of the most beautiful images can be found in nature. This photograph is somewhat different and the beauty lies in the lighting and focusing that is done by the photographer who has done an excellent job of it. The varying shades of green along the length of the plant makes it look exotic.

Sunflower wallpaper

This windows 7 wallpaper would look excellent on your desktop. It shows us a close-up picture of a sunflower in yellow light. Only a part of the flower is shown with the remaining part of the photo devoted to showing the lighting effect that illuminates the picture. The view of the center of the flower showing the filaments also looks exquisite. This wallpaper is quite a masterpiece and I would definitely recommend it.

Golder feathers wallpaper

This Windows 7 desktop wallpaper shows us an artistic image. It is quite hard to understand where the photographer would have captured such an odd and wonderful still as well. Well, we can only take a guess about its origins. It shows us am image of circular golden feathers placed above a body of water. You can see the ripples of water beneath the flower like object. This is certainly one of the odder wallpapers I have seen.

Yellow Windows 7 flower wallpaper

This is another capture of a flower in close range. They have a different kind of beauty about them when taken in zoom don’t they? This time the flowers are orange in shade and they turn tender white as you travel along their petals. Such a photograph would definitely make your desktop look vibrant as nothing else can so do get this windows 7 desktop wallpaper to adorn your computer.

Raindrops Windows 7 wallpaper

This is one of the more unusual windows 7 wallpapers I have seen, but of course it looks as beautiful as the other ones if not more. The picture is of a lovely looking flower which has been shot in close up. You can catch the delicate petals of the flower which looks translucent in the lighting. The dew drops sticking on the petals also add to the beauty and makes it look like modern art.

Breathtaking Windows 7 wallpaper

This one has to be one of the most breathtaking shots of a rural village set amidst the mountains that I have come across in a long time. This Windows 7 wallpaper shows us the rolling lush green fields in the middle of which there is a small settlement with a single house which looks as idyllic as one can imagine. I sure want to spend my time in that shack with the hills in the background and nature around me.

Lonely beach Windows 7 wallpaper

A lonely beach with fine sand and clear water with the sun setting in the distance and the sky aglow due to the sunset. This is what this beautiful Windows 7 wallpaper depicts and makes us wish we were in the photograph rather than merely looking at it. The rocks which are the only other objects present in the beach makes the beach emphasize its remoteness and adds to the wonder.

Lonely beach Windows 7 wallpaper

A lonely beach with fine sand and clear water with the sun setting in the distance and the sky aglow due to the sunset. This is what this beautiful Windows 7 wallpaper depicts and makes us wish we were in the photograph rather than merely looking at it. The rocks which are the only other objects present in the beach makes the beach emphasize its remoteness and adds to the wonder.

Rocky water Windows 7 wallpaper

This Windows 7 wallpaper reminds us of an island with a volcanic mountain erupting doesn’t it? Well, except the smoke that is absent here, this amazing picture is of rocks which are emerging from a coral reef in the coast of some far away island. The crystal clear waters are an indication of how beautiful nature can be if one goes away to islands and coral reefs. Truly a beautiful picture by the photographer.